Troubleshooting Common K-Cup Complaints

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Troubleshooting Common K-Cup Complaints

29 October 2021
 Categories: Food & Cooking, Blog

Some people try K-cups and love them. Other people try K-cups and don't stick with them as a coffee brewing option. Now, K-cups may not be for everyone. But a good portion of those who don't like them might like them a bit more if they knew how to troubleshoot common issues. Here are some common K-cup complaints that are easier to address than you might think.

1. The coffee is too strong.

K-cup brewers are known for making strong coffee. This is especially the case if you choose name brand K-cups. But if the coffee coming out of your brewer is too strong for your taste, there are two easy solutions. First, try brewing your coffee on a larger size setting—like the 16-ounce setting. This setting pushes more water through the coffee pod, resulting in a weaker brew. If that's still too strong for you, then you can add some plain, hot water to dilute it down a bit more. 

2. The coffee tastes stale.

People often assume that since K-cups are individually packed, they last a long time. But the truth is, ground coffee tends to go stale pretty quickly, even if it is sealed up in a package such as a K-cup. Check the date on your pods. You may discover that the "best by date" was earlier than you thought. Try buying smaller boxes of K-cups more often rather than buying bulk quantities all at once. This way, the cups won't get stale by the time you get around to using them.

3. K-cups create too much trash.

Do you feel like using K-cups results in your trash bin filling up too quickly? Some people don't like this because they feel like they're creating too much waste. Others don't like the fact that the K-cups smell after sitting in the trash for a few days. In any event, there are refillable K-cups you can buy. They're made from plastic and metal mesh. You just scoop your coffee into the cup, then brew it as usual. Wash the cup, and use it again. This method also allows you to use coffees that may not come pre-loaded into pods.

Most common K-cup complaints are easier to address than you might assume. If you come across any of the issues above, you now know how to solve them so you can continue to enjoy this product. Contact companies that sell Starbucks K-cup pods to learn more.